Creating High Velocity Organizations

Creating High Velocity Organizations

Item No. a046g00000PI9CQAA1


Management and Leadership

Certificate Credits

2.0 EEUs


- Operations

- Organizations & Leadership

- Strategy & Innovation

Course Highlights

  • Learn through a mix of presentations, case discussions, video dramatizations, small group exercises, and an in-class simulation
  • Organized into thematic modules designed around the four key principles of building the discovery capability in an organization
  • Work on a challenge from your own organization
  • Earn a certificate of course completion from the MIT Sloan School of Management


Featured Content


Why attend Creating High Velocity Organizations?

Some firms outperform competitors in many ways at once—cost, speed, innovation, and service. How can some companies perform so well that their industry counterparts are competitors in name only? What makes these organizations not just succeed but consistently excel?
The answer has to do with the ability to systematize innovation—taking it from the occasional, unpredictable stroke of genius to something you and your team do daily to outdistance rivals. 
Creating High Velocity Organizations demonstrates what sets market-dominating companies apart and provides a detailed framework you can leverage to surge to the lead in your own industry. The course examines the internal operations of dominant organizations across a wide spectrum of industries, from technology and design to manufacturing and health care.
While the course investigates several great operational triumphs, like top-tier teaching hospitals' fantastic improvements in quality of care, Pratt & Whitney's competitive gains in jet engine design, and the US Navy's breakthroughs in inventing and applying nuclear propulsion, the course is not just about the adoration of success. It also takes a critical look at some of the operational missteps that have humbled even the most reputable and respected of companies and organizations. 
Through presentations, case studies, and hands-on learning activities, you will learn principles that form the basis for structured continuous learning and improvement and walk away with a better understanding of how to:

  • Build a system of “dynamic discovery” designed to reveal operational problems and weaknesses as they arise
  • Attack and solve problems when and where they occur, converting weaknesses into strengths
  • Disseminate knowledge gained from solving local problems throughout the company as a whole
  • Create managers invested in developing everyone's capacity to continually innovate and improve
  • Generate faster, better results using less capital and fewer resources

The MIT Edge
Traditional business-school curricula tend to focus on teaching decision-making skills as a way to success. However, many companies today—especially those in relatively new industries—find themselves lacking the information or the experience needed to make the decisions that could determine their future. That is where the leaders' ability not only to think, but also to behave like innovators, becomes vital to the success of the organization. Known for its commitment to innovation, with this program MIT Sloan offers a rare opportunity for participants to learn how to channel their curiosity into innovators' behavior.

Each session is punctuated by facilitated small-group exercises, in which participants can actively apply the ideas and examples offered in class to their own specific, real-life situations.

Learn more about the live online experience.    

Learn more about the in-person course experience


Applying to the Course

We accept enrollments until the offering reaches capacity, at which point we will maintain a waitlist. Many of the courses fill up several weeks in advance, so we advise that you enroll as early as possible to secure your seat.

You can begin the application process by using the red 'Enroll Now' bar at the bottom of the screen.


Health and Safety

See our on campus healthy and safety policies.


Have Questions?

Contact us if you would like to speak with a program director or visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to common questions about our courses.

We do not recommend this course if you have already completed Leading Organizations for High Velocity Performance, unless you are seeking a refresher of the content.

Upon successful completion of your course, you will earn a certificate of completion from the MIT Sloan School of Management. This course may also count toward MIT Sloan Executive Certificate requirements.


This course will enable participants to:

  • Create an organization where work is done by harnessing the best-known approaches available and signaling the need for new knowledge
  • Solve problems as they arise and to develop new understanding that prevents the problems from recurring
  • Multiply the impact of local discoveries by making them useful systemically throughout the organization
  • Lead an organization where discovery is encouraged, supported, and promoted at all times.



Testimonial from past course participant Ralph Irish A.

Sample Schedule—Subject to Change

This program is designed for:

  • Managers with responsibility for core products, services, or mission-critical processes
  • Subject matter experts on process excellence
  • Senior leadership, whose understanding and support are vital in developing the discovery capacity within the organization
  • Entrepreneurs in any industry, but especially in new and emerging fields, where there is little or no established knowledge base required for successful decision-driven leadership

To get the highest impact of this program, we recommend that participants attend in groups comprising managers and executives from the organization. Please inquire about group discounts for teams of three or more.



Testimonial from past course participant Tracy H.


Management and Leadership

Certificate Credits

2.0 EEUs


- Operations

- Organizations & Leadership

- Strategy & Innovation

Enroll Now!
